Saturday, March 7, 2009
Yooo...its been a while since i last posted a blog....i'm busy nowadays..(not related with skool) have bunch of things to do...problems to be to be organized..yeaahhh..I have a question for all of you..(since i got inspired by reading aiman's blog)What is your dream career. What did you really wanna do when your old but your parents rejected the idea?What did you wished to do before you die?What has been your motive to be like the person you admire? well..everybody has a dream career at a young age(kids.)..and some ppl couldnt be the 'person" that they wanted to be,..and change their course of life.. like me for me instance... when i was young i wanted to be an..Artist and at the same time...a drummer.(thats not all actually but i just picked the one that i really liked).but as i grow lifes "road" changed its look at me..what am i now? a bassist..and i dunno what you call that...the thing is ...that..everybody's mind will think differently as they grow up..its a way of life...i once saw a guy who wanted to be a famous football player ..but his hopes were shattered..and now..he's just a DBKU garbage collector..i really pity him..and i dont wished to end up like him..but theres are ways to achieve our Motive.What keeps you motivated and stuff...i used to have a motive on doing my "thing' but now...its gone forever..disappeared from my vision..but still...i wont let this stop me from doing my thing because i'm doing it for the sake of my i'll be living in a comfortable long you have the thing called can accomplish anything that you're capable too. Because they are always there when you need them..they will never let you downn(only if they are a true friend that is)(i have no idea what to right next but i'll just *cincai*)oh yeah...i've been thinking...(well finally)about the thing called Love? does true love exist nowadays? i've seen a lot of heartbroken ppl wondering around with sadness..because some are jealous..some are cheated..some are played by the other individual...just for something that they wished they had(like money..popularity..and etc) and that is not how love rolls...because that is the opposite of love..and its giving love a bad name...I do not wish to see this happen..but it just happen and happen all the time..they should get a life you know?and try to be a better person...People should think about the phrase.."A Person May Make Another Person Living In Happiness,And A Person May Cause Another Person To Live in Sadness"..dont they ever heard of that? be continued............p.s do i get anything for doing this?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Continue From Chapter;Hi
Hi Hi Hi...main futsal in the morningg...then i went to spring with friends..theng o makan..then go beli..then go lepak..then go tetak..then jumpa org..then jumpa that and this..then shopping..then makan..then go home..then mandi then etc..h yea i'm taking a month break of love societyy...need to focus on myyyy sumthin sumthin(havent come up with one yet..but i will do soon!)
Friday, February 27, 2009
bulu bulu
hahaha..i'm so relieved..cant tell u why ...and at the same time..i'm feeling quite rejoiced...nahh doesnt matter...but i will never give what i wished i could have..eventhough its hard..but trying your luck isnt that hard..i think i should start being myself next week...alang alang llama is known as buddhaspa...haha sikda bahhh (nang benar) Org sexy haha...i'm surrounded with boredom..i have nothing to do..except..bass, eat, minum , kemeh and berakk..i hope you all are having a nice time right now...i'm having a really good time now...dont know why..and dont ask me apahal, and...i'm really starting to think..what the hell am i suppose to do for the geo project..aiyoyo...brainstorm for a sec..*Ting* NO IDEA..well i would like to say thank you to some of my beloved friends outt here..thanks for being a bro..and etccc...its time for me to repay your kindnessss my pwetty fwendsss..haaha gay da bunyiii...time for me to be *nicer* and more honest..and more bising whenever i'm not in class...okkk lets see what i'm gonna do next wweek...when something fun or what when the time is betul...then whenits recess or sumthin..ti ku ngenjen cam ia...yeahh....i'll just think about thatt...but i hink it will work!1..and everyone..lets hope everything is *flowing* the way we want it..yeh...see ya guys...have a nice night!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hey..i would like to apologize to someone first of all...since my mind isnt at its place nowadays..i've been thinking like "un-harith"...i'm really sry!!and guys...i do not wish to pretend anymore..i'n just gonna be "Me"..i noe..its time for me to be more serious and disciplined...and i need to start getting good grades and pay more attention..but can have fun whenever its time ...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today Is A Pelik Day..
You know...thisssss is quite an weird experience for me....I've never ever seen a guy so shy in my entire life!! oh geez..just because your not used to it doesnt mean you have to be that way..i'm so frustrated yet excited!anyway...This is how the story began startedKeZing Kezing Kezing kezing..Once Upon A TUNKU PUTRA...there was this 4 well-discipline students playing at the playground...called,Rahim,Harith,Justin and Naj.
Left to Right:Harith,Naj,Aiman.Rahim.
So as usual..(rarely)we were playing at the school playground..dont me why..!we were bored!! dont think of us as a childish teens..sooo...after we're fed up with it..We when back to Class...I was like...back to the class.then ....i noticed something..why was everybody hanging out near the classroom? i was like..Whats going on here..Ting Ting..(ideaaaaa my brain had the ideaaa)."Farouks Wild And Crazy Journey to" ....i must not mention but..bahh...YEAR 9...It was the time for the lil boy to go and greet his bay girl..then sharon called me out..and asked me to ask farouk to come out and go to his little princess...butt hen he said..ouh harith..i'm so shy..i'm too shy ouhh harith...haha i made that up,,it was like this actually...AHHH! NO NO NO..I DONT WANT!!i'll do it i told sharon that..he's too shy and being a dushbag or i had to use my evil plan...Plan 2342421nfsdfdhfshadf me and justin had to used the "easy" way to bring farouk there..which means DRAGGED HIM TILL HE"S THERE!!..he was like...NO NO NO RELEASE ME>>I'm too young to die..devil horns and justin:No you have to go there..He was struggling and struggling and struggling..bu after a while..he reached freedom...he chilled there for a while..and then he ran near the girls we chased after him..and drag him back to the year 9 class..but then..difficulties and accidents....he was running like a wild boar and behaving like a mad dog. so naj chased him and farouk was facing an dead end,
Farouk;You'll never take ME Alive!!Lemak..Lemak..toing Toing...
Nash; OOPPS I Just Did It!!Ku tampar kau klk!!kimak kau
Nash said to him.bagus kau agaknya farouk..kau mok kenak tumbuk kat pelir atau burit ? so he ran around bcoz takut of naj but then he was caught by justin dragged him there ...then justin called out my i helped justin to carry his crazy bull...unfortunately...i fell hard on the pavement... my pants got dirty??? least my EYES didnt get hurt..or My ASS...due to the accident.. i was motivated.,..and suddenly jadi hulk. and then wonder boy comes to the rescue..DAnte Basera..who came to help for a few seconds only!....after a while....there he was sitting near the year 9 classroom ..feeling shy..i was like.."Oh come on farouk!..this is your time to shine! this is your chance! kissy kissy!!" He was kinda speechless at that justin went back to the class..and beristirehat..because....we were tired and sweating like a dog..but then..he rushed and sat near our classroom ..and "taking a deep breath" there.."""Ting Ting""" ...;there goes the bell..he went back in the class and shouted several times...which,,,sounded really weird???he was like so emo at that time
Farouk:Wuuuu kenak ktk orang suka bullying mek...
he was like under love pressure or theres goes his non-fiction story.....quite a odd story but as time past was COOKING i was like...i'mm waiting..WHERES THE FOOD???The chocolate dripping right in front of me...Damn,,..I'm being playedddd......but at least i get to eat the oreo ok?so...Chef Tiong was cooking a special Tiong Fried i took a video of him cooking ..but too bad..the video was taken using his usual..he was showing off his cooking skills...Up and Down and Down..hope you know what i mean...So..without him noticing i grab a spoon..and take a spoonful of was kinda tastyyyy..oh yea did i think i forgot to mention about the Choco Fudge? i think i did..(christine made it with mercer ,fiona , aiman and farouk..and justin... your not counted..sry hahaha).never mind ....anyway the choco fudge tasted awesome and made my day an Awesome Day.(to tell you the truth..i cant recall my what happen)..haha see ya guys!!!.. ..To All TK3 Students...Remember to Feed Naj if he's hungry or he run amuk..and i Love you my dudes and dudettes!!"cheers" everybody!!!hope you all have an awesome tomorrow..and have a AWESOME life..Have a good night sleep ppl!! see ya skool!!(i'm kinda lazy to put pictures..but will do soon if i have the rajin mood going on!!)GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Left to Right:Harith,Naj,Aiman.Rahim.
So as usual..(rarely)we were playing at the school playground..dont me why..!we were bored!! dont think of us as a childish teens..sooo...after we're fed up with it..We when back to Class...I was like...back to the class.then ....i noticed something..why was everybody hanging out near the classroom? i was like..Whats going on here..Ting Ting..(ideaaaaa my brain had the ideaaa)."Farouks Wild And Crazy Journey to" ....i must not mention but..bahh...YEAR 9...It was the time for the lil boy to go and greet his bay girl..then sharon called me out..and asked me to ask farouk to come out and go to his little princess...butt hen he said..ouh harith..i'm so shy..i'm too shy ouhh harith...haha i made that up,,it was like this actually...AHHH! NO NO NO..I DONT WANT!!i'll do it i told sharon that..he's too shy and being a dushbag or i had to use my evil plan...Plan 2342421nfsdfdhfshadf me and justin had to used the "easy" way to bring farouk there..which means DRAGGED HIM TILL HE"S THERE!!..he was like...NO NO NO RELEASE ME>>I'm too young to die..devil horns and justin:No you have to go there..He was struggling and struggling and struggling..bu after a while..he reached freedom...he chilled there for a while..and then he ran near the girls we chased after him..and drag him back to the year 9 class..but then..difficulties and accidents....he was running like a wild boar and behaving like a mad dog. so naj chased him and farouk was facing an dead end,

Farouk;You'll never take ME Alive!!Lemak..Lemak..toing Toing...
Nash; OOPPS I Just Did It!!Ku tampar kau klk!!kimak kau
Nash said to him.bagus kau agaknya farouk..kau mok kenak tumbuk kat pelir atau burit ? so he ran around bcoz takut of naj but then he was caught by justin dragged him there ...then justin called out my i helped justin to carry his crazy bull...unfortunately...i fell hard on the pavement... my pants got dirty??? least my EYES didnt get hurt..or My ASS...due to the accident.. i was motivated.,..and suddenly jadi hulk. and then wonder boy comes to the rescue..DAnte Basera..who came to help for a few seconds only!....after a while....there he was sitting near the year 9 classroom ..feeling shy..i was like.."Oh come on farouk!..this is your time to shine! this is your chance! kissy kissy!!" He was kinda speechless at that justin went back to the class..and beristirehat..because....we were tired and sweating like a dog..but then..he rushed and sat near our classroom ..and "taking a deep breath" there.."""Ting Ting""" ...;there goes the bell..he went back in the class and shouted several times...which,,,sounded really weird???he was like so emo at that time

Farouk:Wuuuu kenak ktk orang suka bullying mek...
he was like under love pressure or theres goes his non-fiction story.....quite a odd story but as time past was COOKING i was like...i'mm waiting..WHERES THE FOOD???The chocolate dripping right in front of me...Damn,,..I'm being playedddd......but at least i get to eat the oreo ok?so...Chef Tiong was cooking a special Tiong Fried i took a video of him cooking ..but too bad..the video was taken using his usual..he was showing off his cooking skills...Up and Down and Down..hope you know what i mean...So..without him noticing i grab a spoon..and take a spoonful of was kinda tastyyyy..oh yea did i think i forgot to mention about the Choco Fudge? i think i did..(christine made it with mercer ,fiona , aiman and farouk..and justin... your not counted..sry hahaha).never mind ....anyway the choco fudge tasted awesome and made my day an Awesome Day.(to tell you the truth..i cant recall my what happen)..haha see ya guys!!!.. ..To All TK3 Students...Remember to Feed Naj if he's hungry or he run amuk..and i Love you my dudes and dudettes!!"cheers" everybody!!!hope you all have an awesome tomorrow..and have a AWESOME life..Have a good night sleep ppl!! see ya skool!!(i'm kinda lazy to put pictures..but will do soon if i have the rajin mood going on!!)GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE
Monday, February 23, 2009
Today And Yesterday..
Hahaa seems to be quite an awesome day...its like..better than lsat week i guess...boys and girls hanging out with each thats a million dollar the way..since i forgot to write a post yesterday...i'm gonna mix the story of yesterdays with know what i mean..yesterday was my lil cuzzzz bday party that has grownups and was a crazy evening though...misunderstandingsss...i'm SINGLE...SINGLE..i'm not with her...(plus..i got called "jew" or rabbi by my bro..isnt that just awesome?...i'm used to play along..)the good thing iis..FREE FOOD...FREE DRINKS...FrEE SNACKS?...everyones number 1# dream..FREE THINGS...who would miss the chance to enjoy free things??then came the PHOTO TIME..weird pose...random expression..abnormal faces...yeah..i'll show you a picture which pictures me looking at a *someone* stripping naked....h
ahaha just kidding! hhahaha

WOO was still a good party...its counted as OK for kids..i'll prove it to you!see the smile??
Enough about yesterday...NOW ABOUT TODAY!!! i was saying earlier,boys and girls hanging out with each other, today was really awesome..well for your info..boy and girl in a big group is rare event for me..i really likeeee if this makes a day..a better day..Oh yea..while naj,aiman and rahim was behind the khb area...ME and justin were skipping our way to the khb area like a retarded animal or sumthin..and made weirdddd noise...well its ..its natural?Then i went to one of the school's toilet which doesnt have a name?so..i went there to find *someone* but then i was locked up by..ganit,farouk,mercer,fiona,justin and could they do this to me??Then i pretend to make %$*&(&^($$*(&(%&* censored hahaha...then that happen...then this happen....then out i go...ahaha..The part that i liked about today is well....seeing my friends feeling happy and show their sweet and harmful smile(its true haha just kidding no hard feelings)anyway...the jam for our band today was canceled again..same reason...but at least we still have time to practice the songs we've listed to jam..lucky me i guess..oh yea..Naj was really mad about this poser(its a nickname naj gave him..poser)he was like...KABAMM...Ngumpat,,ngumpat anuk anuk, dan saying *sweet* thing to that poser...i was just laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing with haziq..after a while..
this is
how naj look alike after he's done with the thrashing and mocking:
Isnt That Cute? you all know..(most of you) todays is the AWesomest Day for my Brother..Ziko.HAPPY BDAY siboh lupak buat happy time k?.oh yea.he's gettin oldd and older..and he's a 16 year old teenager now...he was like..OMG hahaa nang ada..oh usual..we held a really really mini bday party and celebrated his bday with him
FOODS:Cheese Cake(i do not enjoy eating that)
Drinks: Mineral Water
Party Poopers:HAzim(that lil crazy cute * devil* of mine
He was SMILING..and making some noise..He's too happy i think..good for him...AWIE COOL hahaha sikda bah..awie dikira cousin paling baik.,,anyway..i'm really exhausted with my bass practice.. i cant seem to find the right sound/bassline that i needed..So...people...please tell me any songs that has a nice bassline...if you dont want to cooperate with me...i'll call awie to chase you down..he takes the pleasure haha...well see ya..i'm saying random things...aint i>?anyway choir was shit...rahim was like a frog or a duck singing..hahaha just laughed and laughed while naj was shakin
g for the whole time.see ya!!!
Hahaa seems to be quite an awesome day...its like..better than lsat week i guess...boys and girls hanging out with each thats a million dollar the way..since i forgot to write a post yesterday...i'm gonna mix the story of yesterdays with know what i mean..yesterday was my lil cuzzzz bday party that has grownups and was a crazy evening though...misunderstandingsss...i'm SINGLE...SINGLE..i'm not with her...(plus..i got called "jew" or rabbi by my bro..isnt that just awesome?...i'm used to play along..)the good thing iis..FREE FOOD...FREE DRINKS...FrEE SNACKS?...everyones number 1# dream..FREE THINGS...who would miss the chance to enjoy free things??then came the PHOTO TIME..weird pose...random expression..abnormal faces...yeah..i'll show you a picture which pictures me looking at a *someone* stripping naked....h

WOO was still a good party...its counted as OK for kids..i'll prove it to you!see the smile??
Enough about yesterday...NOW ABOUT TODAY!!! i was saying earlier,boys and girls hanging out with each other, today was really awesome..well for your info..boy and girl in a big group is rare event for me..i really likeeee if this makes a day..a better day..Oh yea..while naj,aiman and rahim was behind the khb area...ME and justin were skipping our way to the khb area like a retarded animal or sumthin..and made weirdddd noise...well its ..its natural?Then i went to one of the school's toilet which doesnt have a name?so..i went there to find *someone* but then i was locked up by..ganit,farouk,mercer,fiona,justin and could they do this to me??Then i pretend to make %$*&(&^($$*(&(%&* censored hahaha...then that happen...then this happen....then out i go...ahaha..The part that i liked about today is well....seeing my friends feeling happy and show their sweet and harmful smile(its true haha just kidding no hard feelings)anyway...the jam for our band today was canceled again..same reason...but at least we still have time to practice the songs we've listed to jam..lucky me i guess..oh yea..Naj was really mad about this poser(its a nickname naj gave him..poser)he was like...KABAMM...Ngumpat,,ngumpat anuk anuk, dan saying *sweet* thing to that poser...i was just laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing with haziq..after a while..
this is

Isnt That Cute? you all know..(most of you) todays is the AWesomest Day for my Brother..Ziko.HAPPY BDAY siboh lupak buat happy time k?.oh yea.he's gettin oldd and older..and he's a 16 year old teenager now...he was like..OMG hahaa nang ada..oh usual..we held a really really mini bday party and celebrated his bday with him
FOODS:Cheese Cake(i do not enjoy eating that)
Drinks: Mineral Water
Party Poopers:HAzim(that lil crazy cute * devil* of mine
He was SMILING..and making some noise..He's too happy i think..good for him...AWIE COOL hahaha sikda bah..awie dikira cousin paling baik.,,anyway..i'm really exhausted with my bass practice.. i cant seem to find the right sound/bassline that i needed..So...people...please tell me any songs that has a nice bassline...if you dont want to cooperate with me...i'll call awie to chase you down..he takes the pleasure haha...well see ya..i'm saying random things...aint i>?anyway choir was shit...rahim was like a frog or a duck singing..hahaha just laughed and laughed while naj was shakin

Saturday, February 21, 2009
ya know..suddenly..i felt the heavens light(which means happiness?)

hahaha..i dunnoo.i suddenly feeeel happy..for no reason?..maybe because i can pee? i can scratch my butt ? or maybe its just normal..i likey likey me backs.i likes you likes me,i laps laps me face, slap me...i slap you harder...hahaha...i dont get it **..well at least i did bunch of fun stuffs like sleeping, playing a random note on a piano, wrecking my bass, seeing a golfer playing golf...i experienced de ja vu earlier...its was accurate..too accurate..oh yea..i''ve seen this kid who a fanatic about pokemon....just because he had this special/rare card..he goes out..screaming like a retard a
nd roll around the floor...clockwise..i pity him but mostly LAUGH at him..hahaha,,nahhh i aint that evil...continueing..(yesterdays case).FRIDAY:i had this dream that ...i would get shocked by sumthin...bcoz of that..i woke up..early in the morning...then after a while..i tripped someone ...and laugh,,,poof..flashback....poof!!all the footage of the dream of mine are in my mind at that moment..but then..NINA screamed....i was like...shit?! what the heck??is she trying to give me a heart attack??...i went to her..and saw a lizard at her skirt but then mercer used sumthin to remove that lizard..then i..sigh..just because of that stupid reptile she's screaming like a cicada?(do cicada even scream?) i was doing my job..get a book(naj book hehehe)..and use it to smash the tail of the lizard..then it stopped moving..its paralyzed i was i with the evil plan...1. get a piece of paper and 2. then gently 3.use a ruler to put the paralyzed lizard at the paper..4.then i put the piece of paperr in naj maths book...5.then i went to naj..and told him..hey your math book wiill you...then he opened it..*KABAAM!!!* he recklessly ran away and rahim was like..kimak kau harith!!!(he was next to naj at that time)...then he back..he's reaction was like this:(refer to the image n
earby)i was like...rofl...then i rolf again..and again and again... till i'm fed up..if you had the chance to see it..i assure will be laughing the way like i did....hahahaahaha thats it ladies and gentleman....have a good night!!!sleep tight...wet dream if your happy....sweet dreams evrybody!1 ....p.s i love you(who the heck)

hahaha..i dunnoo.i suddenly feeeel happy..for no reason?..maybe because i can pee? i can scratch my butt ? or maybe its just normal..i likey likey me backs.i likes you likes me,i laps laps me face, slap me...i slap you harder...hahaha...i dont get it **..well at least i did bunch of fun stuffs like sleeping, playing a random note on a piano, wrecking my bass, seeing a golfer playing golf...i experienced de ja vu earlier...its was accurate..too accurate..oh yea..i''ve seen this kid who a fanatic about pokemon....just because he had this special/rare card..he goes out..screaming like a retard a

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